Weekend Bushcraft Course – Learn Wilderness Survival Skills and Techniques

Learn essential wilderness survival skills and techniques to thrive in the wild. Discover practical methods for lighting fires, identifying edible plants, building shelters, purifying water and safely preparing rabbit, fish and birds.

This Level 2 bushcraft, survival and wilderness living skills course is accredited by NCFE. It is designed as a fun, safe learning experience rather than an endurance challenge.


A weekend bushcraft course provides an immersive wilderness experience that is a great bonding activity for families. You will learn a variety of skills including fire lighting, shelter building, wild food identification and cooking.

Survival training can be life-saving if you encounter a wilderness emergency, and bushcraft training dramatically improves your comfort in the outdoors. From basic sheltering to foraging and trapping, these outdoor skills will reduce your dependence on modern backpacking gear and increase your ability to survive in the wilderness.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced hiker, this week of intensive wilderness survival training will help you develop new practical skills that will last a lifetime. The course will provide you with a set of tools that you can use anywhere in the world.


In a survival situation, you will need to be able to construct shelter quickly. You will be tired and in a hurry to find a place to sleep and you don’t have the luxury of choosing your shelter location carefully.

Look for a flat spot to build your shelter and avoid cliffs and other drop-offs. The ground underneath your shelter should also be level, so that water doesn’t run into it during rainstorms or flood your shelter.

Use branches, moss and pine needles as insulation. Thin twigs and thorns can be added as well for extra warmth. Place these sticks around the outside of your shelter to create “ribs.” Make sure that your walls are about 2 feet (0.30 to 0.61 m) thick.


Water is the main constituent of Earth’s hydrosphere and the fluids of most living organisms. It performs a host of important functions in the human body, including cooling the body and maintaining a consistent temperature.

The best source of drinking water is from a flowing stream or river. Rainwater is another good source, but it should be filtered before boiling. Ponds and lakes are more likely to contain harmful pathogens and should be avoided.

Caves can be a good source of drinking water, but they must be carefully searched for. A sign of dehydration is darker urine; if this occurs it’s vital to seek out more water immediately. Boiling is the most effective method of water purification but will not remove all chemical pollutants.


Cooking for a group while at camp requires a certain level of planning and skill. One of the most important aspects of this is selecting recipes that are easily scalable.

Being able to forage and find food is an essential part of bushcraft and wilderness survival skills. It’s also vital to know not only what you can eat but what you shouldn’t.

The best way to learn how to do this is to attend a course that teaches it. This weekend course is perfect and will help you to forage, build shelters, purify water and use knives and saws safely. The course is ideal for families and also includes a night spent sleeping under a tarp. This is a Level 2 Bushcraft, Survival and Wilderness Living Skills course accredited by NCFE.

Knives & Saws

Knives and saws are tools that help with a variety of tasks. Whether it’s splitting wood, carving notches for traps and snares or skinning game they are versatile. But they require proper handling and maintenance.

Learn the art of making a bow saw and other cutting instruments. Understand UK knife laws and how to keep your blades sharp.

Live wild for the weekend with this accredited Level 2 Bushcraft, Survival and Wilderness Living Skills course. Learn and practice a variety of wilderness techniques including fire lighting, identifying edible plants, building shelters, creating primitive traps and snares, purifying water, cooking outdoors and more. This is an invaluable experience for anyone planning to hike abroad or explore remote areas of the country. Suitable for all ages.