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Why AI Writing Lacks the Originality and Nuance of Human Quality

Writing serves as a bridge between different humans, allowing them to empathize and resonate with each other’s experiences & insights. This bond can be shattered when people find out that the content they are reading is written by a machine.

AI writers can write well, but they lack some qualities that human writers have – especially when it comes to marketing content that connects with readers on a deeper level. Find out more at getmacaw.


Originality is a critical factor in content creation. AI writing tools typically generate content by summarizing and reiterating existing information from the Internet, a practice that often prompts search engines to flag it as plagiarism. However, this content may lack the depth of insight and unique perspective required by thought leaders.

Additionally, unless carefully prompting, AI writing can struggle to capture the established tone and style of a brand. This can lead to content that seems aloof and disconnected from its audience. Human post-editing can help ensure that AI content meets technical quality standards, while infusing it with empathetic, human engagement qualities.

The convergence of AI and human writers presents a powerful new writing paradigm. By automating repetitive, time-consuming tasks and freeing up humans to concentrate on more creative and complex aspects of content creation, this partnership is poised to elevate the quality of written material. However, it is important to understand where each excels so that a holistic approach to content marketing and copywriting can be achieved.

Contextual Comprehendibility

AI tools are able to produce content quickly and in large quantities, which can be a benefit for businesses with fast-paced production schedules. However, they may not be able to produce the high-quality content that human writers can offer in terms of creativity and nuanced understanding of the topic.

Humans are able to engage with audiences by telling relatable stories, sharing personal experiences and analogies, and evoking emotions that make the content memorable. This is something that writing AI has yet to replicate – and it’s important for businesses looking to connect with their customers on an emotional level.

Humans can also better understand the language of their audience and use slang or dialect where appropriate, which is another area in which AI has yet to excel. This can help businesses create more relatable content that will resonate with their audiences and improve customer loyalty and purchase rates. For this reason, it’s important to consider a balanced mix of human and AI writing in your content marketing strategy.

Emotional Intelligence

Human writing has a way of connecting with readers on an emotional level, evoke empathy and understanding, and provide a deeper perspective. This is difficult to replicate in AI writing, which often feels formulaic and impersonal.

Emotional intelligence includes the ability to recognize our own emotions, as well as the feelings of others around us. It also encompasses our ability to remain calm and composed even in challenging circumstances. Strong emotional intelligence can help you remain more grounded, be a more effective communicator, and develop stronger relationships with coworkers and clients.

Human writers also have the ability to use creative wordplay and puns, which is important for keeping audiences engaged. However, creating quality content takes time and effort, which can make it difficult to scale up production quickly. AI can offer a solution for this by automating the process and creating consistent, error-free content. However, it still has a long way to go before it can compete with human writers in terms of creativity and emotion.


While AI writing systems can generate coherent and meaningful text, they lack the contextual understanding and emotional depth that human writers can bring. This may lead to a lack of nuance and subtext, which can diminish their overall impact. For example, Shakespeare’s works are renowned for their complex themes and deep emotional journeys that are difficult to replicate using an AI writing system that relies on a simple set of patterns and probabilities.

Choosing the right AI writer is key to your content creation success. Consider your primary content types and platforms to determine the best options for your needs. For instance, YouTube creators benefit from VidIQ, while bloggers and small business owners use Wordplay and Zyro. Evaluate your budget and choose tools aligning with your content creation capabilities. Then, prioritize those that enhance your workflow efficiency and overall productivity. Finally, look for an AI writer with a free trial or low initial cost to maximize your investment.